Sandra Salkanovic

Meet Chef Sandra Salkanovic. Come June 1st, Sandra will have worked at The Dubois Center for eight years.
Describe your role at The Dubois Center.
I am the catering chef, responsible for all production and everything else associated with food handling. My job also includes ordering, receiving, inventory and sometimes even planning and making custom menu ideas. I take great care to teach everyone about sanitation and to keep everything properly clean and healthy. My goal is to keep all customers, co-workers in the building and all of us in the kitchen safe and healthy. So, for me, sanitation needs to be at the highest levels at all times.
What’s your career background?
I studied to become a veterinarian, but that never happened. Life had other plans. So, over the years I just kept doing jobs that had to do with food. The more I resisted those kinds of jobs, the more I became successful doing them. In the end I embraced it and from there, I started to enjoy it. I guess it’s not what you want and plan. It’s what you’re meant to do.
What’s the most rewarding part of your job?
The most rewarding part of my job is when people in general, and my customers, love and enjoy my food and service! When they are happy and express their appreciation for it, that makes me feel very good about myself and inspires me to do even better.
What couldn’t you do without on the job?
Team work! That’s one of the most important things, if not the most important, when you do this kind of work. Luckily, I have always had great co-workers, and we’ve made, over time, an awesome team that is always there for you if you need anything.
Tell us something surprising that people might not know about you.
I adore orchids! I have many different kinds at home, in many different colors and sizes. I so admire their beauty.
What do you do for fun outside of work?
I spend a lot of time playing and taking care of my four cats. I also like to travel and I hope to do much more of that in the future. In the spring, most of my days off are spent in my backyard, making a vegetable garden with my husband and planting all kinds of great things.
What/who inspires you?
I am always moved by small children and animals. I see their innocence and the beauty of their unconditional love. The amount of love they express is so amazing and so unbelievable that it makes me speechless.
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